Status and Constrains of Artisanal Fisheries in Ekperiama (Ekperikiri) Fishing Area, Niger Delta
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Published: 19 November 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
This study investigated the status and constrains of artisanal fishers in Ekperiama (Ekperikiri) fishing area in the Niger Delta. Data were collected from well structured questionnaire and subjected to descriptive statistical analysis and Likert scale technique. The results reveal that 70.40% of the fishers were males while 40.40% were in the active age distribution of 41- 50 year. Most of the fishers (66.10%) attempted primary education and 41.90% are in the bracket of 21-30 year fishing experiences suggesting that most fishers had fished for a minimum of 21 years. The major constraint was the crude oil pollution rampant in the Niger Delta and invasion of aquatic weeds. Others were; lack of extension services, lack of credit facilities and the use of chemicals to fish. If these contraints are properly addressed, it could boost fishing activities which could also improve the livelihood of the fishers.

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How to Cite
Ngodigha, Sabina Alatari ; Alagoa, Joe, Kuro and Abowei, Jasper, Freeborn. (2018-11-19). "Status and Constrains of Artisanal Fisheries in Ekperiama (Ekperikiri) Fishing Area, Niger Delta." *Volume 2*, 4, 24-29